Water Level Management Solutions
Revca Things intelli platform
An IOT platform with integrated AI addresses the 360 degree view of managing the water level. Water Level monitoring has applications in a wide range of industries. Manufacturing, automotive, food and beverage, chemical are a few to name. This solution is equally applicable to Oil and gas, Chemicals and other liquids scenarios as well.
Key Challenges
No real time level monitoring
Unidentified water leakage
Poor tank maintenance
High operational costs
Increased man power
Inaccurate decision making
Following are the typical interventions or combinations of them to address a particular use case for creating an autonomous monitoring and delivery system.

Water level monitoring
Applications can range from long term water table monitoring to managing dams, rivers, sewage, factories and residential supplies realtime. This helps in planning and further actions thereof.
Water overflowing detection
Overflow detection is necessary to prevent excess Power & Water Wastage, Infrastructure deterioration, and resource optimization.

Storage tank Volume
Inaccurate and non real time measurement of storage tank volume results in flawed planning and hence Facility underperformance.
Automated Pumping
Automated pumping based on multiple conditions based on level detection, Power, storage tank volume, weather and other conditions can be triggered by the system resulting in process efficiency.

Revca integrates industrial class hardware to address the water level management solutions

IoT Water Flow Meters
Smart water flow meters come in different configurations depending on the use cases like Electromagnetic Flow Meters (full bore & insertion type), Turbine & Ultrasonic Flow Meters, Flow Elements, Flow Indicators & Totalizers. Primary job of flow sensor is to measure the Flow and Level
of Conductive Liquids. Smart IoT flow meters helps in managing the flow between multiple distribution lines as per desired process specifications.

IoT Water valve
The smart valve helps to minimize waste by controlling water systems without the need for unnecessary cabling. With the valve, users can remotely control their entire systems which can be useful for:Smart Metering Control, Water Distribution Flushing, Leak Detection

Smart Water Meter
Smart water meters designed for the SmartCity applications are designed to seamlessly capture the accurate consumption of water. The RF technology enables quick, remote access to various water meter readings. This data can be easily transferred to a software system for
calculations, reports, etc. These products are highly effective, compact and can be implemented across industries, apartments, gated communities, hotels, villas, etc.

Smart Pump Controller
By using “smart” centrifugal pumps with VFD controls, plant operators can vary the pump and impeller speed, allowing the motor output to match the system requirement for improved system performance. In essence, VFDs give plant operators control of the pump’s speed and
output by changing the voltage and frequency to a pump’s motor.- offering improved pump reliability, extended product life and reduced energy and processing costs

Smart Level Monitors
Radar-based or ultrasonic, highly accurate Level Transmitters & Switches are used for level measurements across various domains including water, sewage, slurry, large storage tanks, ponds, pits, juices, light aggressive liquids, beverages, acids, solvent, paint, oil, thinner and more

Smart Storage Tank Volume Sensors
An IoT smart storage tank level monitors helps in The management of your tanks i.e functional characteristics, dimensions, volume, location, Real-time monitoring of the level of each tank. The evolution of the level of the tank over time, with the events of filling or emptying. Threshold
definition (up, down) for alert generation (email, SMS). The preparation of purchase orders for the company in charge of filling or emptying the vats(in case of chemicals or other liquids) and generating reports on all the tanks, or for a tank
Key features of our platform
Benefits of using ioT powered water level Management

Use cases

River Water Level Monitoring
River flow (also known as streamflow) can be monitored using Velocity and Level sensors. Internet of Things (IoT) technology has made remote monitoring of river levels possible providing real time insights and alerts, even in the most remote environments. These devices are installed on the appropriate surface, where they detect the water levels and collect data for further analysis. These devices use cellular or LPWAN connectivity to transmit useful information on the interconnected device of the user, allowing him to make informed decisions. Revca s things intelli platform presents user with intuitive dashboards and, rules engine, alerts to enable process efficiency.

Flood Monitoring
Measuring river flow and streamflow are important for understanding and taking corrective actions on overflowing of a river or lake. The IoT system deployed for this purpose help in understanding and Monitoring Flood conditions and generating alarms. Regulate flow to ensure the survival of wildlife. Manage hydraulic structures (for example, irrigation systems). To measure streamflow, some parameters need to be calculated ie. Stream stage, River velocity, River depth and width, these can be obtained manually or through the use of sensors. IoT sensors measure different parameters relating to river level and river flow before transmitting data wirelessly to the AIOTIFI. Further, Flood forecasting models can forecast water levels for periods ranging from a few hours to days ahead. Effective real time flood forecasting models could be useful for early warnings and disaster prevention.

Groundwater Monitoring
In dynamically changing environments, monitoring groundwater levels is a critical issue. Early prediction of drought or loss of pumpage will depend on the faster response of the groundwater conditions. Timely data can be made available using advances in the wireless networking infrastructure. To build a complete, correct and practical solution to the real time groundwater monitoring problem all the components of the system have to be developed and integrated efficiently. To overcome these kinds of challenges advanced water level monitoring sensors are installed and data is collected for further processing, which detects the water levels. Therefore, installing a real time water level monitoring system is a must have for a beneficial upgrade of the water industry

Water Tank Level Monitoring
Industrial organizations, water management companies, and agriculture companies face enormous challenges when it comes to monitoring tank levels. For commercial and residential purposes too, the level monitoring solution allows estimation of water available on rooftops as well as overhead tanks. With predictive maintenance and multichannel alerting features of IoT platforms, alerts about increasing and decreasing liquid levels in the tank can be obtained and the utilization pattern of liquid stored in the tank can be determined.

Smart Drainage System
Water level monitoring is also employed in a smart drainage system. The system uses water level sensors aided with numerous sensors for monitoring the level of contamination in sewage waste. In case drainage gets blocked and water overflows the blockage will be instinctively recognized

A complete solution for the monitoring and management of tank water and other fluids placed across the farms and hills The IoT system is able to monitor the tank units and can be used to set up and control the wireless pump controller. The solar powered tank units saves you the hassle of changing up batteries and the level sensors measure liquid levels in the tank using appropriate sensors: pressure, ultrasonic, radar based.
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