REVCA was founded by Industry veterans who saw a unique opportunity to focus on  “experiences” in the world of connected devices.



US and India

Revca Technologies.

Helping enterprises become AI-first, faster.

Enriching Connected Experiences by Enhancing Intelligence of Things

Platform, Product, and Solutions for Sustainable Transformation

Defining Purpose. Creating Value. Delivering Experiences

Connected Experience

Voice intelligence

Applied intelligence

Data insights

Automation and Notification

Machine intelligence

Devices and Things

Accelerating Digital Transformation

Simple. Scalable. Connected

Our experience at Revca has made us believe firmly that ‘Digital Transformation’ is not difficult. We have a deep understanding of possibilities and opportunities for transformation across diverse business domains. With our expertise and experience, we can help you achieve your transformation goals and objectives. Be it connected smart machines, IIOT devices, augmented voice (AVIDxP), or data-driven sustainable solutions, our component-based platform and software-defined products provide scalable solutions without compromising on simplicity, security, and functionality.

Transforming properties (Commercial, Hotels, and Residential) into Smart and Connected Properties by deploying a platform to create unison among Devices, Sensors and Things, Voice, and Visuals.


Smart Properties

Smart Properties

Our Internet of Medical Things focused platform drives improvement in Patient & Resident Care, as well as operational efficiencies for Healthcare and Assisted Living Communities.


Smart Healthcare

Smart Healthcare

Revca is at the forefront of developing products that are powered with Artificial Intelligence and data empowerment.


AI powered Data Processing

AI powered Data Processing

Our solutions tailored for healthcare are at the forefront of AI research with solutions such as and Medista.


Smart Healthcare

Smart Healthcare

Enriching Experiences

People. Experiences. Efficiencies

Our aim is to enable industries and individuals with AI-First approach. Our products empower our clients with AI solutions that increase their overall ROI multiple times over. We tailor solutions according to their needs and help them out bringing the best of AI to their use case.

Enriching Experiences

People. Experiences. Efficiencies

Realization of the Digital transformation is all about the experiences and engagements of customers, end-users, and the communities. These experiences are in turn derivatives of processes, services, and products. We create a unison of voice, visuals, and connected devices creating amazing experiences. Our focus is not just restricted to experiences; instead, we also focus diligently on improving the efficiency of your operations through insights and automation

Revca’s Augmented Voice Intelligent Digital Experience (AVIDxP) leverages context-aware customer engagements over the voice channel. Our partnership with Amazon Alexa for Hospitality and Google Assistant enables us to offer you enriching experiences and engagements with your guests and residents. This is done keeping in mind the value of connectivity which Revca truly believes in. 

AVIDxP - Our voice platform delivers context aware voice solutions. Our next phase focuses on building voice based AI models to further add intelligence to devices and machines.




We firmly believe that creating sustainable solutions doesn't have to be overwhelming. Our approach towards Smart Energy and Smart Water solutions allow you to deploy IOT Devices, sensors and process the data in cloud for real time alerts and actionable insights


Sustainable solutions

Sustainable solutions

Enhancing Intelligence of Things

Integration. Data. Security

Things have an intelligence of their own along with serving their particular purpose and quite often intelligence and data operate in silos. Revca’s offerings help enterprises streamline their processes, break data silos and create synergies among “Things”. Leveraging industry standards and harnessing data with AI & ML models enables us to democratize intelligence for faster and informed decisions at micro and macro levels. Our security posture takes a holistic approach around Operation Technology, Enterprise, and Corporate security.

Infinite Options, Targeted Interventions

Infinite Options, Targeted Interventions

Fit for purpose. Fit for value. Fit for future

At Revca, we believe that today’s world is “Everything Digital, Digital Everything”, and in this digital world the existence of infinite and endless options is a boon and bane. We work with you to understand your business operations, your digital aspirations, and challenges, and we explore practical options to identify the strategic roadmap, implementation of ‘Right Fit’ technologies and interventions.

Sustainable Solutions, Better Living

Economic Value. Environment Friendly. Social Responsibility

Sustainability is the need of the hour. We must not forget that we have not inherited resources, instead, we have borrowed them from our future generations.  Technology and Digital will be a key intervention for supercharging and accelerating progress towards NetZero commitment. At Revca, our automation and Industrial IOT platform accelerates the transformation of traditional assets to Smart Assets – Building, Energy, Water, and Manufacturing. By leveraging automation, Industrial IIOT, and edge computing, coupled with AI and ML, we help in improving Operational Efficiencies and Predictive Maintenance of your assets.